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L'Auberge Barachois construite en 1880 comme résidence et magasin par le commerçant Joseph Gallant et l'église Saint-Augustin érigée en 1838. Photo : Georges Arsenault |
Le Comité historique Soeur-Antoinette-DesRoches organise pour la première fois une visite guidée bilingue pour découvrir des lieux historiques acadiens de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. La visite incluera le lieu historique national Port-la-Joye – Fort Amherst et le village de Rustico.
Les gens qui désirent faire partie de cette visite guidée devront trouver leur propre transport. Ceux et celles qui n’ont pas de moyen de transport sont quand même invités à s’inscrire à l’activité. Les organisateurs tenteront de leur en trouver un.
Cette activité aura lieu le mercredi 12 août. Le guide principal sera l’historien Georges Arsenault.
Le premier rendez-vous aura lieu à 10 h 30 au lieu historique national Port-la-Joye – Fort Amherst situé à Rocky Point. On y découvrira un très beau site riche en histoire avec une vue splendide sur le port et la ville de Charlottetown. La visite se terminera à Port-la-Joye avec un pique-nique sur l’heure du midi. Le site n’offrant pas de service alimentaire, les participants devront apporter leur propre pique-nique. Comment se rendre là? http://www.pc.gc.ca/fra/lhn-nhs/pe/amherst/visit/visit2.aspx
Le groupe se rendra ensuite à Rustico, le plus ancien village acadien de l’Île, où la visite commencera à 13 h 30. La visite comprendra l’Auberge Barachois, l’église historique Saint-Augustin, le Musée de la Banque des fermiers de Rustico, la maison Doucet et le Centre acadien Grand-Rustico.
Les seuls coûts associés à cette activité sont les frais d’entrée au Musée de la Banque des fermiers de Rustico et à la Maison Doucet.
Pour s’inscrire à la visite guidée, veuillez communiquer avec les personnes suivantes au plus tard le 10 août :
Nicole Gallant nicolegallant@pei.sympatico.ca
Clément Gallant clemgallant@hotmail.com
Georges Arsenault georg52@pei.sympatico.ca
Discovering Port-la-Joye and Rustico
The Sister Antoinette DesRoches Historical Committee is organizing a bilingual guided tour of several Prince Edward Island Acadian historic sites. The tour will include the Port-la-Joye – Fort Amherst National Historic Site and the village of Rustico. The tour is open to the general public. Those interested in taking part in the tour are responsible for their own transportation. However, the organizing committee will do its best to help individuals with no means of transportation.
This activity will be held on Wednesday, August 12. Historian Georges Arsenault will be the main tour guide.
The tour will begin at 10:30 am at Port-la-Joye – Fort Amherst National Historic Site in Rocky Point. It is a beautiful site rich in history with a spectacular view of Charlottetown and its harbour. Since food services are not available at the historic site, participants are asked to bring their own picnic lunch. How to get there? http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/lhn-nhs/pe/amherst/visit/visit2.aspx
The second stop will be at 1:30 pm in Rustico, the Island’s oldest Acadian community. The visit will include the Barachois Inn, the historic St. Augustine church, the Farmers’ Bank of Rustico Museum, the Doucet House, and the Centre acadien Grand-Rustico.
The guided tour is free except for the entrance fees at the Farmers’ Bank of Rustico Museum and Doucet House.
To register for the tour, please contact one of the following organizers before August 10:
Nicole Gallant nicolegallant@pei.sympatico.ca
Clément Gallant clemgallant@hotmail.com
Georges Arsenault georg52@pei.sympatico.ca
The Sister Antoinette DesRoches Historical Committee is organizing a bilingual guided tour of several Prince Edward Island Acadian historic sites. The tour will include the Port-la-Joye – Fort Amherst National Historic Site and the village of Rustico. The tour is open to the general public. Those interested in taking part in the tour are responsible for their own transportation. However, the organizing committee will do its best to help individuals with no means of transportation.
This activity will be held on Wednesday, August 12. Historian Georges Arsenault will be the main tour guide.
The tour will begin at 10:30 am at Port-la-Joye – Fort Amherst National Historic Site in Rocky Point. It is a beautiful site rich in history with a spectacular view of Charlottetown and its harbour. Since food services are not available at the historic site, participants are asked to bring their own picnic lunch. How to get there? http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/lhn-nhs/pe/amherst/visit/visit2.aspx
The second stop will be at 1:30 pm in Rustico, the Island’s oldest Acadian community. The visit will include the Barachois Inn, the historic St. Augustine church, the Farmers’ Bank of Rustico Museum, the Doucet House, and the Centre acadien Grand-Rustico.
The guided tour is free except for the entrance fees at the Farmers’ Bank of Rustico Museum and Doucet House.
To register for the tour, please contact one of the following organizers before August 10:
Nicole Gallant nicolegallant@pei.sympatico.ca
Clément Gallant clemgallant@hotmail.com
Georges Arsenault georg52@pei.sympatico.ca