Le brick Canton, de 273 tonneaux, immatriculé en 1829 fait naufrage au nord-ouest de l’Île Brion, le 14 novembre 1837. Il y a 6 survivants, mais on déplore 7 pertes de vie. La Lloyd’s reçoit le texte suivant :
The Canton, Garbutt, from Gaspé to Great Britain, struck on the west end of Brian Island. The Master, his wife and child, and four of the crew, left the wreck in the gig, and have not since been heard of; the mate and five of the crew, reached Magdalen Island in the jolly boat.
Liste condensée des naufrages du Centre d'archives régional des Îles, 2011
Landry, Frédéric. Dernière Course, La Boussole, 1989